Classroom Update

Hello Room 211 Families,

Can you believe Spring Break is right around the corner?  We have been working so hard and having so much fun in class that time is flying by!  I’m really excited about all the progress and growth students are making in class.  By now, you’ve had a chance to read your child’s progress report to see all their gains toward goal mastery.  So much to be celebrating!  We only have about 10 weeks left in the school year.  Let’s continue to partner and make the next couple of months amazing!

Here are a couple of highlights of what we are doing in class:

We are in the midst of the 5th cycle of the alphabet!  This cycle began with the letters that are acquired earliest in speech production and has been progressing through to letters acquired later in development.   All students are strengthening their letter name identification and letter sound identification skills.  We work daily to recognize upper- and lower-case letters in text and learn how to produce the letter form in both isolation and in words within sentences.

In Math, we are wrapping up our unit on counting, showing, and writing numbers to 5.  After the break we will be moving on to comparing numbers.  Our math vocabulary will expand to include words such as more, less, and same.  We will focus on finding one more and identifying one less as we build in foundational addition and subtraction skills.

With the weather being so lovely lately, we have been taking our work outside at times.  You’ll see some of our adventures outside in the photos.  We wish everyone a restful, relaxing, and healthy Spring Break.  We are back in class on Monday, April 15th.

Take good care,
