Classroom Update

Hello again, Room 211 Families!

I wanted to share what we’ve been learning in class this month!

In literacy, we have really been focusing on onset and rime blending.  As a reminder, the onset is the initial consonant sound, digraph, or blend that comes before the vowel sound.  The rime is the vowel and the remaining consonant sound.  For example, with the word frog, /fr/ is the onset and /og/ is the rime.  As students start to better understand onset and rime, they build their awareness of common word parts.  This contributes to better automaticity in decoding as students are reading (or learning to read).

This activity can be done orally or orally with picture supports.

Try blending these onset and rime combos with your child.  After saying the onset, pause.  Then say the rime.  Ask, “What’s the word?”  If you need to repeat, shorten your pause so the two parts are heard closer together.  For more of a challenge, lengthen the pause.

/g/ (…pause…) /oat/

/j/ + /ar/

/h/ + /ouse/

Use a field of three picture supports for familiar CVC words, if necessary, for your child to pick from after you say the onset and rime.

/s/ (…pause…) /un/    Ask, “What’s the word?” (while showing a picture of a sun, a bed, and a pot)

/n/ + /et/

/f/ + /ox/

In math, we are cruising along with numbers up to 5.  For some, we are learning to identify numbers and how to count in number order.  For others, we are laying the foundation for adding within 5.  Still, some are strengthening their addition skills, while others are learning to subtract!  For all, we are learning proper number formation.  We do a lot of work on whiteboards so you’re not going to see a lot of worksheets coming home for this.

In Motor Language Group, Ms. Burd (SLP) and Ms. Danielle (OT) set up an egg hunt for us!  We hopped like bunnies around the room looking for colored eggs to add to our sticker sheet.  This is always a favorite language-rich, fine motor activity for students and staff!


Mark Your Calendars:

March 26th – Class Pictures

March 28th – Coffee with Kessler

March 31st – Eager Reader Ends

April 3rd – PTA Movie Day

April 5th – Popcorn Friday

April 8th – 12th – NO SCHOOL Spring Break


Please check out the photos so you can see all the hard work and fun we are having in Room 211!


Take care,
