Field Day Information

Challenger’s annual Field Day is coming up on Friday June 9th and we are seeking volunteers to help us run the stations for this exciting event!  We appreciate all that you have done to help us this year, and would greatly appreciate volunteers for this special end of the year event that students look forward to each spring.  Field Day cannot run successfully without your help.  Below is a link for volunteering that contains information about the stations for our Field Day session and other volunteer opportunities for this event like setting up/taking down Field Day equipment, assisting with drinking water stations and filling water balloons.

Field Day Session Times:Morning session (9:30-11:00)- Kinder, 1st & 2nd grades

Afternoon session (1:30-3:00)- 3rd, 4th & 5th grades

Please note that volunteering for this event takes your full attention.  Please do not bring younger or older siblings to this event.  All volunteers must be cleared through the Issaquah School District background check prior to volunteering for Field Day.  If you have questions about this, please let me know.

Link for volunteer application:

Volunteer Link:

Thank you in advance for volunteering for this special, exciting event! If you have questions, please let Ms. Arenas (Challenger PE teacher) or Mrs. Gerber (Field Day Coordinator) know.